
Archive for May 28th, 2011

Hello everybody.

Remember me? I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to my blog. I used to enjoy posting a lot but I went into hibernation with a lot of things when my father got sick. Now I feel the urge again to start posting to my blog again. Maybe some people are still here reading….maybe not.

A lot has happened since I wrote something the last time. More than a year has passed. The girls are all doing great at school. Hjalmfridur Briet is finishing 8th class, her confirmation is getting closer – the date is set for June 12th. Lots of preparation going of for that special day. Fridbjorg Lilja is finishing 5th class and our little baby girl Johanna Brynja is already 5 years old and doing well at day care. Looking at her makes me wonder where the time has gone?! I´m adding some pictures of the girls so you can see them…………I’m so proud of my girls.

This is Hjalmfridur Briet

This is Fridbjorg Lilja

This is Johanna Brynja

Craftwise I have not been doing such a lot. I’ve been trying to find my stitching mojo but it seems nowhere to be found. I’ve been doing some knitting for my family, but apart from that nothing at all.

We have big changes ahead of us. We have bought a new house and are working hard to get it ready for our move in August. We bought it in a building state, only the house had been built and everything else needed to be done.

The front of the house

The back of the house

Plans for the ground floor

Plans for the second floor

I’ll show you more pictures in my next post. Like I said we are planning to move around the middle of August if everything goes as planned. We have put our flat up for sale but it hasn’t been sold yet. The new house is in a town called Hafnarfjordur which is where I lived when I was a little girl. My mother and two brothers live in Hafnarfjordur and I really like the idea of living closer to my mother. When we move I need to change my job so I have already given my resignation from my current job. My last day at my job will be on July 15th. I’m not looking forward to that day as I really love my current job, my workmates are just great and I feel great at work. But like they say, when one door closes another one opens up. I have already got another job. It is at a day care center only 5-10 minutes walk from my new home. It is a big day care center combined to a big school so we will all be walking together in the mornings. This is a great advantage and I’ll have the chance of meeting all my girls during the day. 🙂

Well, I’ll sign off for now but I’ll be back tomorrow with some more pictures of our house. Until then take care and hope you have a wonderful day.

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